Schumacher College/シューマッハ−・カレッジ

(For Japanese, see below.)

Retracing my volunteer experiences in the UK, I think Schumacher College is good as an entry to ‘think and meet’ about our future and sustainability by living in comfortable and well-established environment near nature, discussing lots with people who are passionate about our basic and heart-warming life and reading books.

Schumacher College provides interesting short courses as well as master’s programme to accelerate change for sustainable living in the future. People from all over the world come to visit there. Staying as a helper volunteer for 3 weeks gave me an opportunity to feel my driving force by enjoying calm days with people at the college in countryside and it was helpful to imagine a way of live in the future. If I didn’t have meetings at Schumacher College, I wouldn’t come to Embercombe, a place to have hands-on experience, which I couldn’t have gotten by academic study and made me aware deeply that we couln’t disconnect from nature.

From the point of view as a helper volunteer as well as a short-course student, I’ve wrote up how I found Schumacher College interesting.

1. Morning Meeting – Thought and Movement
2. Housework Rota (Cleaning , Kitchen and Gardening)
3. Cooking and Meals
4. Garden and Surrounding Environment
5. People and Small Community

1. Morning Meeting – Thought and Movement
At 8:30, we have morning meeting on weekdays and anyone at Schumacher College can share your thought or feeling by reading a passage or anything from a book as well as movement. It encourages one’s initiatives. I offered ‘YURU exercise’ for movement, which I did for a while when I was in Japan to relax myself by moving your body and feeling axis of your body.

2. Housework Rota (Cleaning, Kitchen and Gardening)

When I asked people who took courses about their comment of the college often says co-living , especially housework rota in the morning was unique. After the morning meeting, students and volunteers separate into groups of cleanings, kitchen and gardening. In addition, a few groups work for clear-up of lunch and dinner. As this system works on a daily rotation basis, people who stay here for more than one week can experience most of these duties. A helper volunteer often works as a leader of each group. Sometimes, I saw a director or lecturers sweeping floors. In today’s society, because jobs are divided, white-collar workers and blue-collar workers don’t work together. At Schumacher College, I feel people are less divided by positions because of this housework rota.

Carrying woods to fireplace of a library (Left photo). Gardening (Right one).

As a helper volunteer, I enjoyed mostly in a kitchen for cooking and washing. Though I didn’t have a chance, working at a bar in the college in the evening is an interesting role.

3. Cooking and Meals
Every weekday, we cook vegetarian foods from fresh vegetables. If seen as a canteen of a school, we can’t find many places like Schumacher College to have such hearty meals in developed countries.

All kitchen staff are passionate about cooking and trying out new recipes.

They cook variety of breads for lunch. Beautiful.

As food policies, the college seems to source local, seasonal, organic and fair-trade foods as much as possible. In addition, they use wild plants like nettle for meals. The garden is not main source of food procurement and most of vegetables for meals are purchased. Many of them are organic and locally produced but some are imported. Regarding imported foods, there isn’t so much variety but some like oranges and kiwi. It’s good enough for me. In terms of CO2 from transportation, Procuring 100% local produced foods is ideal but most of people from developed countries must be feel difficulty without imported food. Then, the balance between local and imported foods at Schumacher College is good to start to have more local foods.

This is tea and coffee area. There are various choices about drink like a café or more than that, including organic imported herb teas and coffees (Rosebud is one of popular herb and it’s often run short of). It is important to have a choice. Generally, people apt to restrain our want to pursue environmental friendly way of living but they often cannot keep on restraining it.

Tea break is one of the enjoyable times as cookies are really good. Yum, Yum… I gained wait ;).

As a volunteer, most fascinating work for me was working in a kitchen. All the foods like soup, beans food, salad and quiche are vegetarian and most of them are what I hadn’t made before. I’d never seen this big shelf only used for spices. Many of spices are new for me and I was excited to know how to use. In addition, it was first experience for me to cook for such a large number of people like 30 to 50 (Once, we cooked for 80 people).

Lots of kitchen tools were new to use for me as well and good to know them. Gigantic hand blender, huge, dough maker、coffee mill, slicer, an excellent garlic clasher (one of rounded shape), iron pan, pod of which handles are never hot. What made me proud is a Japanese knife. It is different from other knives in terms of sharpness. I highly recommend it! I am away from Japan and I feel the Japanese knife looks very cool more than I knew.

4. Garden and Surrounding Environment
Besides the above systems and people, surrounding environment is nice and healing. As a short course student, I couldn’t enjoyed it so much because of time pressure. As a volunteer, I had more free time and enjoyed in the garden and nearby woods.

This is a view through a mushroom’s eye in the garden. Though I hadn’t realized, it has been living here for a while.

Just, I looked at herbs, mushrooms, wild plants and picked some of them. This relaxing free time made me feel the relationship between small living things and me.

As one of food policies, the college seem to try to 'Zero Landfill'. Vegetable wastes are changing into compost for the garden via compost machine. As they make a bulk purchase, there are less landfill than what we do in cities.

Students and volunteer have tried to grow oyster mushrooms by using used grounded coffee.

Someone picked bluebell flower from the garden and I have some of them in our room. As Nettle, a spiny wild plant, is good for anemia or lacking for iron, I drunk with hot water as herb tea.

As for surrounding environment broadly, the college is located 40 minutes walk from Totnes station. Totnes is a place where many artists live and a resort place. It can look like Karuizawa in Japan. When walking a cycle path with greens and wild flowers from the station, we often met several of people running or walking and smiled or said hello. It’s pleasant to walk there.

At the college, there is cows’ smell in the air sometimes as there is a farm nearby. The smell made me exciting as I’d never come to a school like this kind of environment. There are also nice woods for walking behind the college.

5.People and Small Community
These systems of college mentioned above appear working well. I think one of the reasons why it works well is people’s consciousness and behavior at the college. I was often stimulated by seeing other volunteers or staff working. These kinds of positive influences can happen in any organizations but it is easier to feel connections with others if it is a small community and we know them and can see what they are doing.

While I was there, we had a chance to talk with Satish at a cozy fireplace. I’d like to share what I learned from his talk. He mentioned that ‘Small is beautiful’ doesn’t mean ‘Small is always best’. Because mainstream of modern world has been focusing on large scale, Schumacher emphasized diversity and it turns out ‘Small is Beautiful’. If mainstream of the world were focusing on small scale, it could be ‘Big is Beautiful’

At the end, I’d like to write what a taxi driver who picked me up from the college said about this college. He said ‘Every time I come here to pick people, I can feel how good time they had spend here.’ Actually, I felt that I had heartwarming and positive feeling when I left there. His word may reflect that Schumacher College place value on spirituality.

In regards to Totnes, it is the place where Transition Town Initiative started as you know. Under Transition Town Totnes, there are various groups working actively. Luckily, I had a chance to attend a workshop ‘Change the Exchange!’ organized by TTT in partnership with students from Schumacher College. I felt positive energy from participants. As it was Friday afternoon, most of them are artists, seniors, farmers or high school students. Projects which participants involve sound quite interesting. Especially, a project led by a farmer sounds amazingly a great system. It is communal project of squash growing and people who engaged in growing can get squashes at harvest time, corresponding to amount of time worked. Anyone can come to engage in the field work and write down worked hours on a note. In addition, the project collaborates with a local veg boxes scheme and they can sell the squashes allocated. Because of simplicity of squash growing, the system works well so far but they seem to consider possibility of another vegetable. Interestingly, they don’t use internet to communicate among members but use text message of mobile to easily access to local people. Most projects looks grounded in local culture. I couldn’t see that kind of culture when I walked through the town of Totnes but now I feel like seeing a bit of inside of Totnes.

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1. 朝の共有時間
2. 当番制作業(掃除係、食事係、農作業係)
3. キッチン&食事
4. 菜園と自然環境
5. 一人一人と小さなコミュニティ

1. 朝の共有時間

2. 作業(掃除係、食事係、農作業係)




3. キッチン&食事






キッチン道具について学ぶことも大きい。ハンドブレンダー、超大型ハンドブレンダ−、パン捏ね機、コーヒーミル、スライサー、ガーリッククラッシャー(丸く深いタイプ)、ルクルーゼ、鉄のフライパン、質のいい鍋など。ちなみに、ここぞというときに登場するのがJapanese Knife。カリフォルニアの禅センターからはるばるやってきた講師による贈り物だと言う。他のナイフとは管理される場所も異なり、箱入りで大切に扱われている。切れ味が全く違う。日本の技術の高さが誇らしい。しかも、他の西洋ナイフと比べると、迫力が合ってカッコいい。左近白梅作両刃 菜切包丁 はマイキッチンに導入したい道具の一つ。

4. 菜園と自然環境












ところで、暖炉を囲んだサティシュさんのトークの一コマ「必ずしも小さければいいというわけではない。Schumacherは大企業、大規模が主流となる中で、もっと多様であってもいいのではないか、だから『Small is beautiful』と言った。もし逆に、世界が小さい物を目指していたら、『Big is beautiul』と言ったかもしれない」。


トットネスはご存じの通りTransition Town運動が立ちあがった場所であり、Transition Town Totnes(TTT)のさまざまなグループが活動しており、定期的にイベントを開催している。カレッジの学生がTTTと連携して開催したイベント「Change the Exchange!」に運よく参加したが、住人らのポジティブなエネルギーを感じた。金曜日の午後であり、アーティスト、高齢者、農家が多かったが、高校生のグループもいた。参加者らが関わっているあるいは過去のプロジェクト(スキルシェアなど)について紹介した後、話したいトピックごとに集まり、今後の可能性などについて話し合うというものだった。特に面白かったのは農家のおっさんの取り組みで「働いた分に応じて分け前が出る」という「カボチャ共同栽培プロジェクト」。ビジネス感溢れる農家のおじさんというよりは、近所の○○のおっちゃん的な感じの人(その日は「うちで出来た野菜を持ってきたから誰か欲しい人おらんかぁ」とあげていた気のいいおっちゃん)なんだが、やっているプロジェクトはかなり面白い。誰でも好きな時に農作業に参加し、働いた時間を記帳していく、カボチャの収穫時には働いた時間に応じた分の個数のカボチャをもらえる。また、地域で野菜販売を行う組織と連携しており、そのカボチャを売ることもできるという仕組みになっている。今はカボチャだけであるが他の野菜デモできないかを検討しているという。グループ内でのやりとりではインターネットは使わず携帯電話のテキストだという。地元の人たちがアクセスしやすい方法で新しい取り組みにチャレンジしていく文化がある。街を歩いているだけではわからなかったが、ようやくトットネスの実態に少し触れることができた。