Place to grow people - Embercombe - / 人を育てるEmbercombe

(For Japanese, see below.)

When I opened my ears, I realized that there were full of birdcalls, sounds of breeze and trees rustled by wind. Occasionally, I can hear voices of people. There is nature around us but I’ve been apt to forget about that.

As far as I understand, Embercombe was founded, triggered by a simple question like ‘Why not living closer to this wonderful nature’ and now it is the place where people and organizations discover their own potential and start to their own journeys, having with gratitude for nature. Here, I’m having physically and mentally so much intense experience. I seem to be in an edge of current society. I’m ‘feeling’ strongly the relationship between nature and the fact that I live. Because of this, I think I am becoming more strong body and mind. This is what I couldn’t have gained from knowledge like sustainability concepts and system thinking which I had learned.

At a glance, Embercombe may look like a hippie community but it provides opportunities to learn from a land like garden, forest and meadow, that is called ‘Land Based Learning’, aiming to grow people for sustainable society (However, it's not clear that 'sustainable' means at Embercombe. In this sense, I would say it's in process of evolving). There are various programs of environmental education and leadership for wide range of people and organization including business executives, young disadvantaged, adult and children. For example, people from the following organizations visited here for these last couple of weeks.

  • On purpose, which is an unique leadership programme for the next generation of social enterprise leaders
  • Partner organizations of EU-funded Learning Partnership under the title of “Hosting Transformation: Knowmads(Holland), YIP(Sweden), Academy of Visionautics(Germany), Plenum(Austria), SOL(Hungary)and Art Monastery(Italy)
  • Steiner School (Craft workshop, Gardening, Cooking , Cleaning and playing in nature)
  • Kindergarten (Food Education. More specifically, this program is aimed that children can learn how food comes from by harvesting, cooking and looking at original drama

Now, I’d like to share my life at Embercombe.

What people are overwhelmed is natural environment. Many of visitors are fascinated to this beautiful environment. For these couple of years, there seem to be an abrupt increase of visitors by word of mouth.

The following photo shows the last friend’s weekend in May in which central building and main kitchen can be seen.

Next, our accommodation is different from where we usually live in developed countries. Most of accommodations for volunteers are shared yurts or their own tents. At a yurt, as electricity is not available, a wood stove and candles are mainly used for light and I myself use torch as well for convenience. For me, this sleeping environment made me feel outdoor enough but some people sleep in a hammock with a protector from insects which I’d like to buy in the near future or sleeping hat designed to watch night sky. Furthermore, there is one woman’s volunteer who sleeps only with a sleeping bag and mat in a wood. Wild!

Our yurt as an accommodation

Lights in our yurt: a wood stove and candle

In this environment, a cat is also wild. He, Foxi eats a mouse or rabbit almost every day. It was shocking for me at the beginning but now I begin to understand it is natural. By the way,, though he is wilder than cats in towns, he is a little bit fat, isn’t he?

This is Foxi. He is waiting for the moment to attack, seeing the movement of a mouse in the left of this photo.

Though more than around 80 – 90 % of vegetables for meals seem to be produced at Embercombe, we still buy lots including dairies, grains, oils and dried fruit. Meats are not produced but friends or we have a chance to eat meat sometimes because neighbors of Embercombe occasionally bring dead deer and rabbit killed by accidents or by hunting. Recently, we had BBQ with chickens which were unfortunately killed by foxes near a lake.

For a preparation of lunch, chopped beet root and celeriac on a outside table as the weather was nice.

It’s not usual but we had a lunch in a wood when there was no program.

One day, we had venison stew for dinner in a weekend. I heard shot deer was brought by a neighbor.

While I’ve worked as a volunteer for gardening, cooking, cleaning and support various programs, what I found interesting is making anything of which materials are available from the beginning. For example, when planting a tomato plant, we made pegs from woods to fix a string on ground so that tomato can grow along a string from ground to a ceiling. I’d never thought to make pegs as I often bought this kind of tool. This sort of small thing is quite exciting for me.

Making pegs for tomato plants

Shearing wools from rams

Gardening work

I thought I developed survival skills but another perspective might be to say that I’m gaining practical skills though it depends on how I live in future.

  • Chopping firewood: Most of them seems to know how to chop firewood by an axe and make a fire since they are children.
  • Taking care chickens (Opening and closing doors of chicken coops, feeding and pouring water into containers, collecting eggs… I’ll write about a whole story of chickens later.)
  • Gutting a chicken, plucking its feather and soak them in vinegar salted water for freezing (As chickens were killed by accident, probably by a fox, I experienced these processes. I haven’t beheaded it.
  • cultivating a land and growing vegetables etc (How to prepare soil for growing vegetables from a land with overgrown sprouts and weeds, how to make compost, seeding beans, planting potatoes/squashes/spinach/celery etc, trimming tomato plants and more..)

Chopping woods for a stove(Left photo), Such small children are making a fire by themselves (Right photo)。

Some of these experiences can be gained if people join scout but I think there is not so much opportunities for us since we become adults nowadays. I realized that Land Based Learning which utilizes natural resources like woods and fields for educational purposes is quite important to reflect how we live and what kinds of resources we actually use. It is helpful to imagine sustainable way of living. For the first two weeks as a volunteer, I was sick because of such a different environment. Then, I thought I came to a new world where I’d never step in. However, when I really think about it, country living of a couple decades ago was like this. Eating and food growing are the most basic of living.

As I accustomed myself to ‘clean’ living apart from nature in cities, I have often been startled by various things which I wanted to prevent if possible. For instance, tons of small insects from plants clung to our jacket. Furthermore, they got dirty by compost in process. British and European friends I met here are incomparably tough than me and seem to have adventurous character by nature. As they do without hesitation, I gradually started to get used to do that. As most of dirt on clothes is natural, what I need to do afterwards is washing clothes. So, there is nothing to be afraid of. Rather, be muddy!

Besides above living environment, the open and flat culture of organization can be one of the reasons why Embercombe is inspiring and its friends are increasing. We start a day with check-in meeting at 8:30 and we can share what each of us has in our mind. This meeting is an important daily routine to feel ‘being’ with others.

Check-in meeting on a friends' weekend

There is an interesting daily role. It’s called dreamer. If I choose this role, I can have a time to dream. As we are busy, we need to keep time to feel ‘being’ and to look ahead to our future. I’d like to introduce this role to companies and organizations.

Spend time as a dreamer

Finally, I’d like to tell about fantastic idea at home. This is a story from one gentleman. I heard this story from apprentices from Embercombe as they met him while they went for a journey without money for two weeks, inspired by ‘gift economy’. The gentleman gave children chickens as Christmas gifts. Now, children are getting money by collecting eggs and selling them to their parents. I love this idea! We can enjoy fresh eggs and it’s good to learn about society and environment for children, isn’t it?

Enjoying collecting eggs.

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一見、ヒッピーコミュニティのように見えるが、Embercombeについて平たく言えば「持続可能な社会に向けて人を育てる」というコンセプトのもと、畑・森・牧草地を活用した学び(Land Based Learning)の場を提供している組織である。ここには、企業の経営層から、ホームレスなどの生活支援が必要な若者、一般の大学生・社会人、幼稚園児〜小・中・高校生、各種団体など多岐に渡る人々が訪れ、リーダーシップや環境教育、食育など様々なプログラムが実施されている。例えば、この約1カ月間に訪れてきた団体には以下のようなものがある。※ただし、Embercombeの言う「持続可能な」社会が指すものについては明瞭になっていないようで、こういう点でも進化中の組織であり、今後の発展が期待される。

  • 次世代の社会起業家やリーダーを育成するOn purpose
  • ラーニング・パートナーシップを提携しているTransformative Learningを軸に活動するEU諸国の7組織ら(Knowmads(オランダ)、YIP(スウェーデン)、Academy of Visionautics(ドイツ)、Plenum(オーストリア)、SOL(ハンガリー)、Art Monastery(イタリア)、Embercombe(イギリス))
  • 小学生向け宿泊型プログラム(その多くはシュタイナースクールで、木工ワークショップ、畑作業、料理、掃除、自然の中での遊びなどを行う)
  • 幼稚園児向けの食育プログラム(食べ物がどこからやってくるかを知らない子供たちがいるという現状を踏まえ、劇を織り込みながら、野菜の収穫や料理を体験するプログラム)


















  • 薪割り:ここで出会ったほとんどは、小さい頃から火の焚き方を知っているよう。
  • ニワトリの世話(小屋開け閉め、餌・水やり、卵の回収)と処理の仕方(絞め方ではなく、キツネに襲われたニワトリの処理。具体的には、手足首などを切り落とし、内臓を取り出して、羽を取り除き、塩と酢で殺菌する)
  • 畑の開墾から野菜の育て方の一部(雑草が生い茂るジャングルのような状態からの土の作り方、コンポストの作り方、豆の種まき、ジャガイモ、カボチャ・ほうれん草・セロリの植え付け、トマトの剪定、温室栽培・・・)※ニワトリの件については別途まとめたい


こういう経験の一部はボーイスカウトガールスカウトで出来ると思うが、大人になってからは経験する機会が少ないと思う。畑や森などの自然資源を活用したLand Based Learningには長期に渡って関わることを選んでこなかったが、一人の人間が生きる上で必要な資源と自身の暮らし方を振り返り、持続可能な暮らしを描く上で、パワフルな体験であることを知ることとなった。わりと自然児として育ってきた自分でも2週間強も体調を崩したほど、先進国にいながらぶっ飛んだ場所にやってきたように思ったが、よくよく考えてみれば、ちょっと前の田舎の暮らしはどこの先進国もこんな感じだったのだろう。食・農は、暮らしの基本なのだなと改めて思う。






